Heavy water and soil loss in China

In order to appraise the current situation of Chinese nation’s soil and water losses, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Ministry of water Resources and the Chinese Academy of Sceiences made a comprehensive investigation on soil and water losses and biological safety.This was the most extensive investigation in the history of China.

The investigation spent 3 years and conducted by  28 academicians and over 1000 researchers. The investigation shows that 82% seriously affected area,about 3.57 million square kilometers and containing 646 countires,are in the Yellow River and Changjiang River valleys, and about 2 million squre kilometers is under bad condition and need urgent treatment.

The investigation found that major reason for water and soil losses is silting up of rivers and lakers, damaing ecological system and damages to farmland. The investigation suggests government to use each possible measures to make soil and water losses under the control within about 15 or 20 yeas.This measures will effectively prevent the artificial losses of soil and water.

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